• Question: What is the weirdest scientific theory you've heard of/

    Asked by Paddy to Chris on 26 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Chris Armstrong

      Chris Armstrong answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      Hey Paddy, glad you came and asked this again.
      So my favourite weird one is split. But kinda linked.

      Theres a 5th state of matter (Gas, Liquid, Solid = 3 then plasma is the 4th). 5th is these things known as Bose-Einstein Condensates.

      They only occur when all of the particles in the system fall into the lowest energy state possible, then they all act as a single large scale quantum particle. Meaning we see things like tunneling and wave/particle duality happening on a macroscopic level. Quantum is strange and tough to observe BECs are quantum and observable….

      The way to get there is also weird, lasers are used to remove energy from a system! Its the exact opposite of what I do now, where energy is coupled from the laser to the system. Madness!
