• Question: Do you travel a lot

    Asked by CREZZZA to Rebecca, Chris, Josh, Rob, Susan on 19 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by Sabby, RoRo, Mia.
    • Photo: Rob Temperton

      Rob Temperton answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      Yes. I spend at least a month out of every year working in different labs in Europe. I most commonly end up in Sweden at a place called MaxLab.


    • Photo: Chris Armstrong

      Chris Armstrong answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      More than I expected.

      I’ve gone all over the country with the Year of Light museum tour, including a very impromptu trip to Belfast which was fun.

      Both me and my boss have made trips out to a few of the industrial partners we have across the country, I think there has yet to be a month where I’ve stayed in the lab the entire time. Oh except experiments, then we’re pretty much on lock down.

      And while I’m based in Oxford my university is actually Strathclyde (don’t ask, I’m not sure) so I have to visit up their occasionally.

      On top of all that we work closely with similar labs all over the world, LLNL in the US, GSI in Germany, theres one in sweden I forget the name of, one in india, we have a great partnership with universities in both Japan and China, and new laser systems in Eastern Europe opening up in the next few years.

      Honestly didn’t expect this much travel opportunity when I signed up.

    • Photo: Susan Cartwright

      Susan Cartwright answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      Yes, on all distance scales. I give talks to schools and astronomical societies in the Sheffield area and beyond. I visit other UK universities to give talks and lectures, attend meetings, or help with PhD examinations. I travel to Japan at least once a year to work on my experiment, and sometimes to other countries to attend conferences. Over my career I have lived in Germany for 5 years, California for 2 years, CERN for 1 year, and Boston, Massachusetts for 1 year. Be a particle physicist and see the world!

    • Photo: Rebecca Dewey

      Rebecca Dewey answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      I guess I do get to travel quite a bit. About once a year I get to go to a meeting that is outside the UK. Then sometimes I can get to travel to other research groups elsewhere to compare what I’m doing with what they’re doing and see if we can learn from each other. During my PhD I went to Stockholm, Montreal and Melbourne. Since my PhD I have been to Baltimore, Lake Tahoe (in California), lots of places in Japan, and Montreal again. I am hoping to get to present my work at a conference in Singapore next year, and probably another one in Paris. As well as that, I get to go to London, Glasgow, Edinburgh and other places in the UK for shorter meetings.

    • Photo: Josh Meyers

      Josh Meyers answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      Quite a lot yes! The reason I am late in answering this is because I was away at a conference. Last year I went to conferences in france and holland.

      I travel a lot for fun as well though!
