• Question: if you would be able to, in what wat would you help the ill or disabled.

    Asked by sarah to Chris, Josh, Rebecca, Rob, Susan on 23 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Rebecca Dewey

      Rebecca Dewey answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      I would love to see science find ways to take illness away – ideally it would be great to have ways to stop people from getting ill in the first place, without any suffering. All harmful bacteria would be made to not like the environment of the human body so that they don’t go there to live (we need bacteria for some things, we just don’t want them living on us!). Cells would have a foolproof defence mechanism against reproducing harmfully or mutating into cancer. Genetic disorders would become less and less common if the people carrying the genes could have help to selectively not pass the genes on to the next generation. Medicine has so much to do!

      But all this is in the future! You asked what *I* would do. I would like to make brain scanners so efficient that you can have one image taken of your brain that would tell the doctors everything they need to know. The image would be totally harmless and not take too long so that you can have them every day if you need! We will then be able to use that to study diseases that affect the brain so that we can make people’s lives better and prevent people in the future from getting ill in the first place.
