• Question: Other than the picture thing, what's the coolest thing you've ever coded?

    Asked by Unicorn Bob to Chris, Josh on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Chris Armstrong

      Chris Armstrong answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      In order to cheat my way through a new years resolution I wrote a piece of code that would take a picture of whoever logged into my PC and save it.

      Turns out if you are the only person who knows your password, then you are the only one to log in… shocker!

      Shamefully all the other programs I’ve written seem to be borderline useful. I have let you down Unicorn Bob and for that I apologise.

    • Photo: Josh Meyers

      Josh Meyers answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I run the football league at my work. Each week I send out a vote which asks who wants to play. I have then written a program that will extract the names from the list and make teams based on a league table in order to have fair teams each week. The players seem to like it!

      I’ve also got a small cheap computer called a raspberry pi with a piece of code on it that allows me to send music to my speakers in my house over the WiFi. I like that one too.

      I hope I have done you proud Unicorn Bob?
