• Question: What do you think the most important thing about science is?

    Asked by caylen_11 to Rebecca, Chris on 24 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Rebecca Dewey

      Rebecca Dewey answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      I think the most important thing is having an open mind and curiosity / interest. You need to *want* to know about stuff (I’m really nosey and want to know everything!) but also you need to be prepared to accept whatever it is you find out, if you have evidence for it. You can’t just say “Oh I believe this bit of science because it fits with my theory, but I’m going to ignore this bit because it doesn’t fit with my theory”. Science doesn’t work that way.

    • Photo: Chris Armstrong

      Chris Armstrong answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      I think its all about building on whats out there, I forget who said it but they said “We all stand on the shoulders of giants”.

      Its pretty much gospel in science, everything any scientist does is build upon work done before them. I think its important to remember that, keeps people grounded.
