• Question: What is the longest time a person been underwater?

    Asked by Jay Jay to Chris, Josh, Rebecca, Rob, Susan on 23 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Josh Meyers

      Josh Meyers answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      An escape artist called David Merlini broke the world record for the longest time underwater without air in 2007. His time was 10 minutes and 17 seconds without a breath while chained and handcuffed under water.

    • Photo: Chris Armstrong

      Chris Armstrong answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      If you’re allowed to include people aided by technology then there are submarines that remain submerged for months at a time, with the crew underwater for the entirety of it.

      If not theres a free diver who held his head underwater for 22 minutes, trashing David Merlini’s record… although everything was set up to his liking and he inhaled (almost) pure oxygen prior to going under. Also there were no chains.
