• Question: What's the most exciting thing you've done in your job?

    Asked by Sabby to Rebecca, Chris on 22 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Chris Armstrong

      Chris Armstrong answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      It was hosting at the science museum, being the nerdy kid I was I absolutely loved the science museum always begged my parents to go.

      The fact that somehow my career somehow led me to host a exhibit in one of the science museum lates is just extraordinary.

    • Photo: Rebecca Dewey

      Rebecca Dewey answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      To be honest, looking at a picture of the brain is so very exciting. I do it almost every day – just looking at some data or checking some pictures, and I forget that I am actually looking *inside someone’s head*! I have to stop every now and then to remind myself that I am looking at someone’s brain – and that person is alive and well and talking. I’s just amazing that science allows us to do that!
