• Question: when smoking was legal did anyone know what they were taking

    Asked by curtis to Rebecca, Chris on 25 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Chris Armstrong

      Chris Armstrong answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      yeah a little.

      So there were negative remarks about it, people pretty quickly identified that it was causing “Smokers Cough” but things where a little unregulated back in the smoking heyday. Advertising companies were able to basically lie in order to sell their products, there were companies that outright stated smoking would cure the smokers cough caused by other cigerettes.

      Some even managed to get Doctors endorsements… Crazy times.

      But smoking is still legal, weirdly. Despite all the risks, the risks now have to be publically declared and those that choose to smoke have to be fully aware of what damage they are doing to themselves. Hence the White Lable campaigns that say “Smoking Kills” on each packet.

      I doubt it will ever be truly illegal, the government tax it heavily and make a fair amount of money from it.

    • Photo: Rebecca Dewey

      Rebecca Dewey answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      For ages it was supposed to be good for you – people thought it gave them extra energy, vigour, enthusiasm. In fact, as late as the early 20th Century (1910 – 1920 ish), many tobacco manufacturers were promoting their cigarettes as a way to help ease an asthma attack or a coughing baby. *THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT A GOOD IDEA!!*
