• Question: will we all be flying with or without wings in the future?

    Asked by krazykatie to Chris, Josh, Rebecca, Rob, Susan on 17 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by thatoneguy.
    • Photo: Josh Meyers

      Josh Meyers answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      On our oculus rift headsets.
      Like ‘sword art online’!

    • Photo: Susan Cartwright

      Susan Cartwright answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      Most of us already fly. We just need a ticket!

      If you mean individual flying machines, probably not. They are technically possible, but inefficient. People in the wilder areas of the USA and Australia do often own single-seater planes, because they need to travel long distances, but it’s not practical for city-dwellers.

      However, I can certainly imagine that we will be able to fly virtually, by connecting a VR headset to a remote-controlled drone with a camera.

    • Photo: Rebecca Dewey

      Rebecca Dewey answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      I don’t think we’ll ever fly with wings – humans are just too good at making things to bother with trying to grow wings – and the wings would need to be very very large, and very strong. The blood supply that we would need to the shoulders would probably be too much for our heart to supply and our brains would be starved!

      But what do you mean – we fly now, don’t we? In aeroplanes? I could imagine that if we do have driverless cars in the future, and air traffic control was considered very carefully beforehand, that there may be small hover-copter-cars to take individuals or small groups around. That would be great, I’d fund that project!
